Why Practice is the Essential Missing Piece to your Leadership Training

“Practice, practice, practice.” 

“Practice makes perfect.” 

“We become what we repeatedly do.”

You have probably heard at least one of these sayings throughout your life, but is there any truth to them?

The answer is an emphatic yes, and for more than one reason. In fact, practice is the foundation of how humans learn and remember. 

Reading, watching videos, or listening to lectures are all useful ways to gain knowledge and understanding. In order to become proficient in a given skill or topic, however, it is critical to actively (and repeatedly) engage with the material at hand. 

Practice based learning offers the active, repeated engagement needed to create lasting change in behavior. When individuals engage in a particular behavior repeatedly, their brains create new neural pathways. This helps make that behavior more automatic and easier to perform. We know this as “habit formation”. By regularly practicing a desired behavior in different contexts and situations, individuals can create new habits and become more likely to maintain them over time.

When incorporated into corporate learning programs, practice can boost corporate upskilling and reskilling efforts. Creating a more robust learning ecosystem yields positive benefits for your people and business. 

L&D needs a transformation to fuel the future of work

The typical L&D approach, however, has not yet evolved to encompass the challenges of post-pandemic working life. 

Often executed in a siloed, ad hoc or rushed manner, the average onboarding program today expects new hires to learn complicated job-related skills in just 30 minutes or less. Human skills, such as leadership, empathy, and providing constructive criticism, are rarely part of the lesson plan. When human skills are addressed, it is often in a cursory, secondary training — such as a solitary workshop with no follow-up or practice.

Later in the employee journey, employees rarely get opportunities to upskill even as their changing roles demand it. A study by the Harvard Business Journal found that 75% of 1,500 managers surveyed from across 50 organizations were dissatisfied with their company’s Learning & Development (L&D) function. 

Because there is a disconnect between what employees need and what trainings are available, employee attitudes about L&D are generally negative. Just 12% of employees claim they use the knowledge acquired through training to do their jobs. In a study on the drivers of L&D impact, the Harvard Business Review identified additional gaps:

  • Training typically takes place outside of the organization, making it difficult to translate what is learned in the classroom into real workplace applications.
  • Trainings tends to require the learner to invest a substantial amount of their own time, while still needing to fulfill all their regular work duties.
  • The onus for applying the learning is typically placed on the learner, with minimal follow-up from the instructor once the training has concluded.
  • There is little support or accountability to ensure that employees completed the training and applied new learnings

New approaches, such as immersive training, strongly support proficiency. However, to truly upskill a team and build a cohesive, collaborative working group, those approaches need to incorporate lots of practice. Regardless of your training approach, including strategic opportunities for practice can help clear the path toward a far higher return on training investments. Rooting your programs in a strategic practice agenda supported by data-driven insights supports the continuous optimization you’ll need as the demand for new skills grows. 

Making the business case for practice based learning

Investing in learning & development drives better business outcomes. If you’re an HR or Learning professional, you’ve seen the supporting data: Companies that invest in learning & development see a 24% higher profit margin and increase retention by 30-50%. There’s a direct correlation between L&D and increased employee engagement, better teamwork, improved communication, better decision-making, and more productive collaboration. And conversely, a lack of effective training can lead to lower morale, high turnover, and even legal consequences.

The financial cost of ineffective L&D is enormous. A recent Harvard Business Review survey found that only 10% of the 200 billion spent on corporate training and development every year delivers real results. That means ineffective training costs companies $13.5 million per 1000 employees annually.

So where is the disconnect? As today’s workplace evolves to meet the demands of the modern consumer, and hybrid work becomes the not-so-new normal, employee training needs to change as well. 

Practice is the key to transformative learning

While traditional approaches to corporate leadership and manager training often fall short, integrating continuous, practical engagement into L&D strategies promises a brighter future. This method supports the formation of habits through neural pathway development. It also catalyzes the upskilling and reskilling efforts necessary for thriving in a post-pandemic work environment.

As we witness a dynamic shift in workplace demands, it becomes crucial for organizations to reinvent their training programs to include strategic, hands-on practice opportunities that align with real-world applications. By committing to these transformative learning practices, companies can not only enhance employee performance and satisfaction but also achieve substantial business growth and sustainability. The potential returns—increased profit margins, higher employee retention, and a more collaborative and skilled workforce—underscore the indispensable value of practice-based learning in today’s ever-evolving corporate landscape

Celebrating Our Innovators: Elise Smith and Heather Shen Make Inc. Female Founders 250

We could not be prouder to share that Inc. Magazine has named our co-founders, Elise Smith and Heather Shen, to this year’s Female Founders 250.

They stand alongside an impressive cadre of women founders, represented across all industries and who bring with them unique stories of success along each stage of the entrepreneurial journey. 

“It is with great honor and gratitude to be named in the Inc. Female Founders List amongst women who are ushering in a new era of leadership, innovation, and creativity,” said Elise Smith, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer. Heather Shen, Co-founder and Chief Product Officer, added “Our mission at Praxis Labs has always been about taking action in transforming the workplace of tomorrow by empowering leaders to make an impact through technology. This acknowledgment is a testament to the work of our team in fostering inclusive leadership practices and driving positive workplace transformations.”

Elise and Heather’s understanding of today’s business landscape and commitment to leading with empathy and humanity have positioned Praxis Labs as an essential solution for business and talent strategies. Since founding Praxis Labs in 2019, they have showcased their thought leadership at events like The Wall Street Journal’s Tech Live, The Social Innovation Summit, and The Aspen Institute’s Tech Accountability Coalition, where both founders have consulted business leaders on how to navigate workplace challenges by emphasizing the link between inclusion, belonging, and business success. 

They’ve also garnered some impressive accolades along the way. Forbes has featured Heather on its 30 Under 30 list for her role in helping companies and institutions transform their inclusion training. Elise is one of the most funded Black women in the country, having raised over $23 million in VC funding. 

This recognition by Inc. Magazine is more than a testament to Elise and Heather’s success as founders and business leaders. It’s a celebration of the vision and tenacity that have propelled Praxis Labs to the forefront of creating more inclusive and higher-performing workplaces. 

From coffee shop conversations to technological transformation

Elise and Heather met at Stanford University while pursuing their respective master’s degrees. For Elise, an MBA & Masters in Education, and Heather, a Masters in Engineering. Introduced by mutual friends, their first encounter was at a coffee shop where they bonded over their lived experiences and those of their families. 

Elise was raised on stories from her parents, who were at the forefront of equity work in Chicago’s school systems. Similarly, Heather’s perceptions of the workplace and access to opportunity were shaped by her parents, Chinese immigrants who experienced bias throughout their careers. 

They soon learned that they shared a similar passion for the promise of technology in solving our most pressing challenges. Before pursuing her graduate degrees, Elise helped build IBM Watson during its early phases of AI commercialization. Meanwhile, Heather was introduced to immersive technologies while working at NASA and then at Microsoft, working on their early iterations of HoloLens. 

Through their discussions, they learned that they both shared convictions that a truly inclusive society is within our grasp and that technology could help us get there. Moreover, they saw an opportunity for workplaces to catalyze this change. 

Workplaces are at the forefront of societal change

Workplaces are often the first time we encounter and work across differences. Especially when challenges come up — from tensions that arise from different political views to giving feedback when a team member underperforms — we often don’t know how to respond in the moment. For people leaders and managers, a mishandled 1:1 conversation can have a massive impact on a direct report’s motivation, engagement, and performance. 

This is where Elise and Heather identified an opportunity for workplaces to spark change: if we give people the chance to navigate these scenarios, get feedback that helps them act more inclusively and effectively, and practice those behaviors until they become muscle memory, we can fundamentally transform how we understand and relate to each other on a more human level. At scale, these inclusive practices and behaviors ripple out into our daily lives, having an impact that transcends the physical (and now in many cases, virtual) workplace. 

By now it’s no secret that winning workplace cultures are those that prioritize inclusion and belonging, as well as learning and growth. Employees have made it abundantly clear that they want to work in places where they feel respected and valued, and are progressing toward their career aspirations. The challenge many business leaders have faced up until now is that the available solutions do not meet the needs of today’s workforce. 

Rewriting the learning playbook for future-thinking leaders 

Most organizations treat inclusive leadership training as a check-the-box initiative, usually introduced in response to a leader messing up, and rarely connected to tangible business goals and outcomes. These learning experiences often focus on building awareness and teaching core concepts, rather than practical application and behavior change

Elise and Heather saw a different path forward, one where immersive and AI technologies could revolutionize how people learn, work, and innovate together. 

This vision culminated in Praxis Labs’ initial offering Pivotal Experiences, and most recently the launch of our newest product, Pivotal Practice, which revolutionizes workplace learning by delivering personalized, actionable guidance that unleashes more effective and inclusive people leaders and managers. Users learn and practice skills that drive teams and businesses forward — navigating divisive conversations, managing conflict, and giving effective feedback, especially across diverse and distributed teams. 

This latest innovation stems from evidence-backed approaches to fostering inclusive and high-performing teams and research on how learners learn best: short, digestible learning experiences that is accessible on-demand, and when needed most. Whether it be before a 1:1, a team meeting, or a performance review, users can practice the best way to show up as inclusive, effective leaders during the moments that matter most for their team members. 

Celebrating women founders all day, every day

Congratulations Elise and Heather for joining the ranks of trailblazing women — including Jessica Alba, Tracee Ellis Ross, Rihanna, and Shonda Rhimes — who are rewriting what it means to lead and make an impact in today’s world. 

In the words of Diana Ransom, Inc’s Executive Editor, “The past year, for many, will go down as one of the hardest ever — between a funding freeze and ad-spending pullback. The female founders on this year’s list are a testament to what triumph over adversity looks like.”  

Join us in celebrating not just Elise and Heather, but all women founders and entrepreneurs who are breaking boundaries and shaping the world for the better. 

For the full list of honorees and more about their remarkable journeys, please visit: https://www.inc.com/female-founders

Benefits of Immersive Learning

Immersive learning is an interactive educational experience that uses technology to create a simulated virtual environment where learners navigate real-life scenarios. It is designed to engage the learner by creating an environment where they can interact, practice, and experience skills and concepts in a realistic and memorable way.

The main goal of immersive learning is to enhance the learning experience and make it more engaging, interactive, and effective by allowing learners to practice and apply their skills in a simulated environment, rather than just listening to lectures or reading about the information. 

While immersive learning can and should be applied to many types of skills development, it’s particularly useful for building core competencies for today’s modern workforce, such as empathy and inclusive leadership

By harnessing immersive learning technology, there is immense potential in driving the self-awareness and understanding needed to propel tangible results for DEI. When included in a structured and continuous learning program and reinforced with opportunities to practice newly gained skills, you’re more likely to see lasting behavior change. 

Exploring the Benefits of Immersive Learning

Let’s dive deeper into how immersive learning transforms typical learning engagements into dynamic, engaging experiences. By immersing learners in carefully constructed scenarios, immersive learning not only deepens understanding but also enhances the overall learning journey.

Engaging Learning Experience

Immersive learning provides a more engaging and interactive learning experience. By activating ‘presence’ through visual and auditory cues, learners feel that they are actually living out the experience. 

More effective skill-building

Unlike traditional training methods, immersive learning allows learners to practice and apply their skills in a simulated real-world environment. Over time, learners build an automatic response process or way of being that’s akin to muscle memory and changes how they show up in their daily lives. This approach, which capitalizes on dedicated knowledge and research about how people learn has proven results, with research showing it can increase knowledge retention by up to 75%

Promotes a safe learning environment 

Immersive learning creates a safe and controlled environment for people to make mistakes and learn from them without fear of judgment or harm. When learning experiences involve decision-making, learners will understand immediately how their choices directly impact scenario outcomes, giving them real-time feedback that they can further reflect on. 

Built for scale

When offered on-demand, employees can enjoy immersive learning in the flow-of-work. It doesn’t require the scheduling needed to get everyone together at the same time for an in-person or virtual meeting, making it both more cost-effective and easier to roll-out over larger swathes of an organization. 

Ideal for building human skills 

While immersive learning is a popular tool for hard skills — anything from performing complex surgeries to building planes — it’s also a valuable tool for building human skills. It gives learners the opportunity to practice navigating difficult conversations, showing up as allies in the face of inequities, and helps people understand what it’s like to experience moments of bias and discrimination from another person’s perspective. The experiential focus is an effective way to develop and improve human skills such as communication, empathy, and leadership.

The Lasting Impact of Immersive Learning

Immersive technologies are more than just a trend; they showcase the significant benefits of immersive learning as a transformative evolution in teaching and learning methods. As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern education and training, immersive learning stands out as a crucial tool in shaping capable, well-rounded individuals feel prepared to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. With its ability to adapt to various learning needs and its scalability, immersive learning is set to redefine educational norms and establish a new standard for effective learning.